Monday, September 26, 2011

Paper 2 Outline

My first paper's article is a from a newspaper and is focused towards the general public. It describes stories of past tornadoes and talks about the historic events and disasters. It also gives information on well known Meteorologists and what they have given in research of tornadoes. It then goes on to tell the plans for future warning systems. While this article is in an informal tone, the article for Paper 2 is in a formal tone. It also talks about warning systems but is more scientific in the writing. It uses technical words that are focused towards the meteorology subject.

Paper 2 Outline

Intro- Talk about the tone of the paper and a short comparison of them both

Summary- Summarize the new article. Give examples of how both articles differ. Use more quotes than the last paper and more examples.

Body- Talk more in detail about the tone of the article with quotes and examples
Body 2- Explain the different jargin thats used towards the audience and why its more scientific
Body 3- Use of graphs, images, and pictures to help differ the articles tone
Body 4- Compare the 2 articles in more detail and examples from both that deal with the same scenarios

Conclusion- Answer the thesis statement, end with a question, end summary

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Paper One

If i had the chance to go back in time and re-do my paper, i definately would! It took me a while to find a PDF article for this assignment, and frustrated me to the point where i felt like i wasnt going to be able to do well on the paper. When i first started the paper, i had legitimate writers block. It's been 2 years since ive had to write a paper after graduating highschool. Once i caught back into the writing routine it seemed easier for me. I know i loved to write in highschool and did very well. As for college, i tend to think i do well and then get my grade and obviously i need practice. I would have made a more thorough outline so i could start my paper easier. I also found myself trying to think of more topics to bring up to make it the 4 page length. The more detailed outline would have helped. I would have also started it sooner. Quite honestly, its normal to be a procrastinator in our generation. Let's be honest here. However, starting the paper sooner than i did would have given me more time to make it better. Within the second half of my rough draft, i decided it would be a good idea to do my paper with a football game one and surrounded by a bunch of friends. That was a big mistake. I felt like i wrote random sentences. Therefore, my rough draft was literally "rough". With the weather change, having a head cold tempted me to miss a class to go over the rough draft, so i didnt get the necessary help i wish i could have gotten. The last small mistake, that i didnt realize, was typing my paper in a note pad instead of using Microsoft Word. My paper ended up being a lot shorter and the spacing was not similar, so i didnt meet the 4 page requirement. Lesson learned, that th generic NotePad will not allow you to pass a writing class. All in all, more effort in making sure the paper is perfect. In my opinion at least.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Research Paper Outline

I chose an article about tornadoes an their warning sytems from a news paper from 1951. I thought it was interesting to see the layout of the article from that time period and how they used certain language in the article. It was more lengthy and told as a story unlike today's news paper articles, which seem a lot shorter and to the point. It was also interesting to read how the research for tornadoes is similar and different to today's research.
Introduction- Talk about the basis of the article and explain that it was written in 1951 and the differences
Body 1- The story behind the tornado that sparked the article and the stle used
Body 2- The similarities and differences behind storm spotting today and back then, and the audience it was written for
Body 3- Combine both Body paragraphs and give more detail about the language, audience, and style of the article
Conclusion- Mention how articles about tornado research may be different today, considering they are more frequent and less talked about. Research is still being done, however it's not going out to the public in similar ways. Example: the show "Storm Chasers" on discovery.