Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Science Writing Reflection

Before taking this class, if someone would have asked me what "science writing" was, i would basically say its about science. Any article that has a science related subject would be seen that way. However, the topic has very little to do with it. An article can be about a science related subject but not have a science writing format. The articles can have different types of jargon, a certain layout, and just the flow can help disitinguis the two. Science writing is focus on a certain audienc that relates specifically to information rather than entertainment. The author uses words retaining to the subject without definining them, assuming the reader will know what the words mean. The author will tend to also use words like "may" or "theory", and use charts to promote their information. They will give details of any experiment conducted without trying to use entertainment. Science writing causes arguments because authors cant hint that what they are trying to get across is fact. Any theory is open for discussion and argument because a theory is not a proven fact and can be changed. This has changed the way i read articles so that i can determine if its popular or scientific. This will allow me to know if what i am reading will be facts or just theories. For example, If soemone tells me "tornadoes will never form around mountainous areas", verses saying "tornadoes may not form around moutainous areas", i can tell the difference in the styles of writing and determine if what is being said is true, or just a scientific theory.

Revision Reflection

I feel like a dig a really big revision of Paper One, possibly more than what i should have had to do. I know it did not quite understand exactly what was required to include in the paper. I summarized more than look at the audience it was focused on. Also, when i tried to depict the audience it was difficult for me to do as well. The article was published in a newspaper, so it should be straight forward to tell that it was for a general audience. However, the writing seemed to be scientific as well since it was about meteorology. It wasnt until i found my second article and realized it was way more scientific to distinguish the big difference. I basically had to change the whole layout of my paper and reorganize it to focus just on a general audience instead of anything to do with scientific. For Paper Two, i did a lot better on what is was supposed to be focused on but had to change the purpose from audience to just comparing the two papers. The second one seemed easier to wrtie, just tried to include a lot more quotes. For the next assignment I hope to get other people to read it first before i submit it so i get another point of view.